In this context, a Yellow Swan Event is regarded as an orchestrated media campaign that makes use of a disaster or a smear campaign for the sake of proliferating animosity. These events might be embodied in media hit jobs that use fabricated events or out of context interpretation of events for the purpose of imposing a narrative or deflecting public sentiment from one perception to another perception accordingly to an agenda. The “yellow” symbolism refers to the cancel culture and awareness engineering methods attributed to yellow journalism or virtue signaling academy charlatans.
A landmark Yellow Swan Event was the Hearst and Pulitzer campaign that led to the Spanish–American War in 1898. Their journalistic intention was to sell papers by increasing animosity against Spain. This campaign was fueled by American warmongers in government. that wanted to seize Spanish lands in Cuba and the Philippines. This campaign leveraged out of context events of the USS Maine and Olivette Incident among others.
“Hearst and Pulitzer made their stories credible by self-assertion and providing false names, dates, and locations of skirmishes and atrocities committed by the Spanish. Papers also claimed that their facts could be substantiated by the government.”
Source: American propaganda of the Spanish–American War – Wikipedia
Another Yellow Swan event was the “Fort Texas” incident that “legitimized” the annexation of what is known today as Arizona and New Mexico in 1848.
These events are a consequence of a planned or ad hoc collusion between politicians or powerful personas referred herein as “robber barons”. The goals of these hit jobs may be part of a plan to vilify a political opponent or create an escape goat that would eliminate an opposition for asymmetric profiteering, election fraud or unfair power grab. In order to these hit jobs to succeed the agents (politicians or robber barons) need to orchestrate a campaign with various media outlets at the same time while having cohorts in the intelligence community and justice system that may prosecute in an asymmetric way targeted patsies or future whistleblowers. Yellow swan events can help win elections, wars, government bids (like the purchase of some vaccines) or unfair funding campaigns. For that matter a manipulation of a Black Swan event can achieve the same goals as a Yellow Swan event.
One can argue that in hindsight the Covid-19 event was a Black Swan Event that was succeeded by public hysteria Yellow Swan Events. These followup events in hindsight profiteered big pharma, increased favoritistic government spending and maybe enabled first and fourth amendment violations or even voter fraud. The decision of whether the Covid-19 event was a part of a conspiracy or used as a part of conspiracy theory is up to the reader.
On the other hand Black swan event is an event that has a major impact on public sentiment or hysteria, and is often inappropriately rationalized and take a form of a natural disaster, landmark damage or a major belligerent/terror attack. The term is based on an old belief that presumed black swans did not exist, until they were discovered in Australia, and it then became reinterpreted to mean an unforeseen and consequential event.
The connotation, is that an historical hindsight might reveal what is the background or what really caused the event as opposed to what the government and media tried to convey during the event. The theory was developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb circa 2001 where disproportionate role of high-profile, hard-to-predict, and rare events. Accordingly, the establishment and the media use black and yellow swan events to leverage psychological biases and to proliferate their agendas using manipulative interpretation of history, religion or cancel culture tribalism.
The Yellow Swan event like the black swan events impact unsuspecting communities and nations while their real nature are obscured by the media or governments that try to blame their enemies or patsies. This is done by leaking manipulative information and hiding who is really responsible for the Black Swan event or the Yellow Swan hit job and who is benefiting from these events.
Yellow swan events can be preceded by black swan events like the suspicious orchestrated apprehension of Tajiki suspects after the Crocus City Hall event and attributing the planning to the west.
In modern history, the media and social media have the most effective means needed to proliferate Yellow Swan events. Media can be used as a complementary multiplier tool for political persecution, government propaganda, election manipulation, religious discourse, polls manipulation, donation magnet, ordinance purchase promotion, judicial ruling, advertisement and human resources and academic preferentialism. “Media Hit Jobs” which may be used as brainwashing tools that leverage threats as well preliminary judicial hit jobs or lynch mob actions.
This is why democracies today are effectively “Mediaocracies”, for which the ruling class uses the media to decide who can be elected and appointed, how to count votes and what agendas the government should follow with a double standard discourse and gaslighting media hit jobs. In a mediaocarcy, the actions of the government are controlled and manipulated by “media op-ed charlatans”, pollsters, academy “experts” and “media hitmen” that elitist people and conglomerates use to exploit the people or satisfy their self aggrandizement derangement syndromes needs.
Yellow Swan Events are a pivotal part of cancel culture campaigns. Media hit jobs can be planned by publicists or can be an outcome of snowball effect made up by conflating an out of context event or even a tweet. Planned media hit job usually involve lawyers, governments clerk class or the intelligence actors when those see danger to their position in government, contracts, political power landscape or income. The media can incite a war and be used as a tool for enlisting unaware soldiers needed to conduct these wars as cannon fodder. Enlisting Australians, New Zealanders, and English people to be killed for Churchill in Gallipoli in WWI and in North Africa in WWII was done using Yellow Swan Event that were preceded by the Black Swans of the WWI and WWII declarations. The “white feather” media campaign was a Yellow Swan event that tarnished young males that didn’t want to kill themselves in a war for “king and country” in Europe.
Media hit jobs use Goebbels methodology of repeating a narrative many times in major outlets simultaneously making a façade that they rely on science or reliable sources. This has the effect that even if an underlying event turned out to be false or misleading, the narrative had already indoctrinated and the audience was already brainwashed. It is dangerous because it can indoctrinate the audience to commit genocide or be involved in bloodshed against a targeted community or individual.