The pentagon allegedly dug a grave to the west by installing their main middle east base in Qatar making the west vulnerable and extortion-able to radical whims as well as enabling the operation of Hamas kidnappers that manage their terror operations from Qatar. Meanwhile, Qatar has become an influence peddling marketplace of corrupt western leaders. By not kicking out Hamas from Qatar before making it a credible mediator, the pentagon and the state department enabled the funding of October 7th and the subsequent international political and immigrant unrest that was enabled by Qatar connected organizations, universities and rackets.
The international Qatari rackets were promoted or covered up by European politicians and the Obama and Biden administrations that assigned Qatari banking system many profitable humanitarian roles. Most notable was the role of being trustees of Iranian oil transactions while assigning them the task of being the moderator who was supposed to oversee sanctions that limit Iran capabilities of building and researching WMD. Biden administration allegedly (inadvertently?) enabled de-facto a terror hosting country like Qatar to be the gatekeeper that would guard the financing of another terror harboring country like Iran. This was done because many western “friend and families” of influence peddlers took the Humanitarian aid racket as a cover up of operations that enable kickbacks or arm transactions through conflict leveraging. Schemes like these can be seen in the Ukrainian Burisma Ponzi scheme or the Contras affair. The fake “food for oil” embargo on Iran was allegedly circumvented by kickbacks or political NATO appointments given to people like Kaili or allegedly Menendez with Egypt which is also an intermediary of U.S.A, Qatar and Hamas.
As a result, Qatar and their terror allies control the academy, finances, military research, real estate, media, and the intelligence community in a more dangerous manner than the Chinese or Iranian threats because the other countries don’t control the militant education and DEA indoctrination in the same influence peddling level. Their influence reaches out even the brain-trust of the white house which explains why Biden Administration didn’t demand from Qatar to extradite or exile the kidnappers of American citizens. Western leaders are bought and are doing nothing when the Qatari regime gives Hamas kidnappers aid and comfort and $4 Billion to personal accounts through their cover up institutions and U.N. rackets or ONGs. These “bought out” western leaders are protecting Qatar by letting them play a role of mediators while actually Qatar is being an anti Jewish indoctrinator or a country that trades with human lives for indirect terror perpetrators and for their own interests.
Every day that Hamas kidnapping leaders operate from Qatar is an indication that Qatar controls the white house and not vice versa
In conclusion, the state department international interventionism enables tax free influence peddling covered up with human aid rackets. These policies allegedly dug a grave to western civilization by installing a central command airbase in Qatar and assigning Qatar the role of racket banker that regulates Ponzi schemes that start in the middle east like the Iranian “oil for food” or GAZA/UNRWA/ONG aid packages that increase the control of academy and politics in Europe and U.S. using anti Jewish hate speech and creating pro extreme Muslim civil unrest.
The U.S. shouldn’t have been trusting Qatar before that country disengages from terror organizations. Congress should investigate if some decision makers in the state department or pentagon had some antisemitic goals or had other influence peddling goals with Qatar and Egypt. At the end of the day state department policy, enabled terror and the outbreak of antisemitism in the west. In the past, state department officials enabled antisemitic murders in Hungary and Europe during WWII as well making up the St. Louis affair which blocked and discouraged all Jews from trying to escape to America or the holy land before being sent to the death camps. There are some allegations that the pentagon knew about the upcoming October 7 massacre but hid this information from Israel like they did in the Yom Kipur war during 1973. The state department and FDR also hid from the public official information about the death camps during 1941-1944. At the end of the day, those incidents brought to the united states an important increase in arms sales and more political control of international diplomacy.
“The 2022 Qatar World Cup was surrounded by a myriad of controversies, including:
“human rights violations
bribery for hosting rights –
the lack of a strong football culture”