Those organizations share the underlying agenda of tribalism which is another name for factionism. They try to convey a narrative that everyone that doesn’t support their woke narrative is a bad person and you should repudiate it and move to their faction if you consider yourself a just person. Journalists the “break the lines” and expose this agenda are targeted, fired of vilified.
The method they use is a constant repetitive outcasting propaganda that would try to convince the public that whoever shares conservative values and votes for Trump would have a stereotype of a dangerous person that belongs to a cullt or ideology that is made up of racist people. They use Artificial Intelligence, prosecutors, journalists, airwaves, social media and bureaucrats within the justice system, academia, congress and the intelligence community.
On recent years some of those organizations have propagated a narrative that Trump administration is allegedly colluding with Russia and Putin which was a brainchild of Clinton campaign. This methodology of recycling old media campaigns in coordinated effort is not new but its effectiveness has a multiplying factor through social media.
This battle is not personal against the current president since it was used against Reagan, Bush and other GOP candidates. The difference is that today propaganda, artificial intelligence, social media, surveillance, search result manipulation and brainwashing tools had become more sophisticated and can be used more efficiently for smear campaigns.
Related Sources and Links
Collusion against Trump Timeline
DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton ‘stirring up’ scandal between Trump, Russia