Socialist Bait and Switch
As Bernie Sanders is becoming the front Runner in 2020 for Democrats the media and academy are overlooking on the real reasons for this phenomena and underestimate the potential outcome. Bernie success relies on the following factors:
1. The lack of reliable alternative candidate
So far all candidates change their narrative accordingly with Political Correctness that appeal the “big three”. The big three is composed by funded mainstream media, Democrat Lawmakers and a Think Tank . The think tank includes Intelligence Community, Academy leaders, prosecutors/judges and Industry decision makers.
As social media evolves Democrat and non-Democrat voters realise that bureaucrats, judges, prosecutors and lawmakers are tailoring lawmaking, contracts and jobs that benefit family, friends and inside traders or lobbyists. This is done on expense of the non DC establishment. The Establishment includes state level politicians, contractors and lobbyists and people who know each other or owe favours to each other.
One of the indication of this system is the Burisma/Biden case that backfired on Democrats during the failed impeachment attempt. The resulting in the underastaning that officials in the USA and overseas launder huge amounts of money under the state department umbrella while making “Capitalisic” deals overseas that circumvent American law and taxation with the help of the Intelligence Community or the five eyes. The Biden case is just a tip of the iceberg for this kind of thinking.
People realise that there is a class without impunity which exploits their position while being paid with constituents taxpayers money. That class has an intrinsic relation with prosecutors, known lawyers, industry, big-tech and the mainstream media. There is no other candidate in the Democratic party that is threatening to dismantle the ongoing day-to-day business operations that benefit “friends and family” of Congress lawmakers and staffers, bankers, industries, Academy, consultants, day traders etc.
2. Appeal to the Young Generation
The other reason which pushes forward Bernie Sanders’ advancement is that young people are indoctrinated towards socialism in the education system or are romanticised into it as a “wannabee” trend. Some of the young generation is attracted to socialism as a youth rebellion against parents. It works perfectly if the socialists blend into it the “Green New Deal” narrative while demeaning the energy industry and entrepreneurs while vilifying them as white supremacy or corrupt polluters. There is also and expectation of forfeiting student loans and getting an utopia world where others income are to the people who are pushing the socialist agenda and getting a cosy bureaucrat jobs without understanding that these jobs would be given only to the ruling class family and friends or people owed favours for.
3. Bernie’s Campaign Methodology and Funding
Another help that Bernie Sanders is getting comes from an overlooked source. He carries out the most anti Israeli campaign among candidates. This brings support from BDC, CAIR, Antifa, Arab countries and other Antisemitic groups. Their financing and intimidating methods are evolving and integrated into campaigns using violence, militant grassroots recruitment and other tactics which they are adopting and perfecting from the HRC campaign of 2016.
Learning from the Socialist Experience
History teaches us that the leaders that took government in the name of socialist ideas turned they skin against the people of fought for them. Some Socialist leaders do believe in their ideas but some just use it as means of taking government. Most fervent socialists use all means to get to their goals even if is trying work with anti socialist ideas or people . Once they achieve government all of a sudden they turn against their former allies at the first stage, In the second stage the turn against their people by creating a tyrant autocracy. During the Russian civil war mass murderers that liquidated their former allies. Later on they caused great hunger to their own people and their neighbours. So did happen with Mao in China as he replaced the Communist Party leader after a convenient fatality.
Stalin replaced Lenin and Trotsky while killing and exiling his own party members. Maduro replaced Chavez and so on. In all these cases the people faced terrible hunger and abuse of their freedoms in the name of socialist “revolution” or “social justice”.
The idea that making a revolution for the people to overthrow a government doesn’t mean that the new situation would be less corrupt, less akin to human life and dignity or less murderous. As the new ruler class consolidates power and domination each of their members tries to persecute their forma opponents with no mercy. While doing so they start looking over their shoulders to subvert the other while taking more freedoms and resources from the people and trying to dominate a critical national resource or cabinet position. This is how Stalin, Mao, Nicolae Ceausescu , Khmer Rouge , Viet Cong and others eliminated any opposition in the name of Social Justice.
Bernie taking over government, implies that he plans to take the means of production, healthcare and convert the education system into indoctrination system. Due to his age and lack of leadership it is most likely that some of his followers will take control in a Stalin’s Dekulakization manner that takes equity and land from the owners in the name of social justice.
Dekulakization was the Soviet political repression, including arrests, deportations (at least 1.8 Million) and executions of better-off peasant families in 1929-32. The stated purpose was to fight the independent agrarian class and build socialism in the countryside. Cuba also overtook agrarian means of production by using systematical confiscation of land and assets while arresting people who opposed the “Revolution”. By definition, everyone wanted keep to owned property instead of giving it to the government was a counter revolutionary who is supposed to be punished and expropriated. The claim that the goods and land was the people property in the appropriation process is false since the Cuban Junta decided to who, when and how do use and distribute it.
“Dekulakization ended badly for the peasants; almost 14.5 million people are believed to have died as a result of the many policies that Stalin implemented in the Five-Year plans, including Dekulakization and Collectivization. “
The the collectivisation of agriculture & 1933 Holodomor was a mass killing by Communism in Ukraine & Russia. Similar events in China in the 50-60s. In Venezuela %30 are suffering from malnutrition because of Socialism & means of production overtake.

Accordingly with Leninism and Revolutionary Socialism the Soviets were supposed to have councils made of representatives of the working class that would work with the government on decision making, wars, national priories and wealth distribution. If the people who fought for Lenin, Stalin and others would have known that their freedom, lives and livelihood would be compromised, their leaders wouldn’t be able to convince them to bear arms for their cause.

The great “Bait and Switch” of Marxism, Socialism and Leninism is hiding the eventual corruption that comes with absolute power that has no transparency and accountability and later on using the power to starve or oppress their own people’s freedoms.
Soviets councils were eliminated or converted into puppets by Stalin and others using bribe, quid pro quo, murder and threat because it put in danger their absolute power. People were and are (Venezuela) living in fear under Beria-methods that make everyone a suspect and on the mercy of being prosecuted as a traitor to socialism. The Beria methodology is made possible by using with an out of context easy to fabricate dossier using the intelligence community either by entrapment or planted evidence or coerced or manufactured testimony. The “promised” people participation in government was eliminated by use of the Soviets (representative Councils) as a rubber stamp ever since the first experience of socialism in 1917.
In the U.S.A. people can defend themselves most of the times from political “Beria-persecutions” or traps (setup/entrapment) which Schumer has disclosed if they donate or say that they support Democrats or have money and a good lawyer.
Every other leader or Junta in socialist countries was a self enriching autocracy which blocked any say for the people or their representatives using fake elections, brainwash education, academy, workplace, army and media while overtaking the means of production and liberties.
The Marxist and Leninist system is good for selling books and making revolts that appeal to oppressed people and young people. In that context Marx and Bernie made a lot of “Capitalistic” money by selling those unproven dreams without distributing the revenues with the people that they supposedly support.
The failure of the socialist system comes from hiding or underestimating the human nature of individuals and new ruling classes that would create hunger and conflicts that don’t justify Socialism means and end results.
” Fidel Castro betrayed the revolutionary leader Che Guevara, leaving him to a lonely death in Bolivia in 1967. He broke his solemn word to the Mexican government by training Mexican anti-government guerrillas in Cuba, and he weakened the revolutionary cause in Latin America by imposing a rigid political conformism on those fighting for change in the region. Cuba is today ruled by a corrupt elite “
Source: The Independent
Related Resources and Links

Stages of Dekukakization
Stalin Executions
How Stalin became Stalinist
Castro Betrayal
“The Campaign to Eliminate the Kulak as a Class, Winter 1929-1930: A Reevaluation of the Legislation”
Staling overtake of the agrarian means of production
“Paradoxes of Power” by Strephen Kotkin
Biography of Che Guevara
The Holodomor and Agriculture Collectivisation that caused Millions deaths and Gulag Deportations in Russia and Ukraine
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