Are Search Engines Meddling with 2020 Elections?
If we search the term “Obamagate” or Unmasking in search engines most results in the first pages include articles that promote the idea that “Obamagate” is a conspiracy theory. Opposing Articles or evidence are artificially demoted including the view that “Obamagate” was a scheme to indoctrinate the American people by repeating a story of Russian meddling and collusion was allegedly attributed to the GOP and not to the DNC.
Most Republicans and some Democrats agree that “Obamagate” refers to the “misconduct” (to say the least) of using the Intelligence Community, the media and the DOJ to blame a political opponent before and after inauguration. Nevertheless the search results try to convey an understanding that the mainstream thought is the opposite which is probably done by shadowbanners and algorithms that try to influence the 2020 elections and the public opinion.
The undermining and harassment of the next presidency doesn’t necessarily means it is chargeable in the court of law but it has implications on Biden candidacy and the modus operandi of one party of using bureaucrats and out of context stories and leaks to meddle with voting decisions.
Obama made his people ask 37 unmaskings on Flynn after losing elections during transition time while his administration was telling that they would cooperate and make a smooth transition. The coordinated synchronised dissemination of the Russian Collusion story undermined the governance of the replacing president and created unprecedented divisiveness tnothing to do with “transition in good faith”.
When someone with a lot of power tells his subjects do it “by the book” he /she probably means find the solution to do a shady move in a way that it appears legit with prearranged excuses. Even make things “incidental” that might explain later on why it was in good faith. WaPo ignores the fact that there is nothing incidental with their wrong leak on sanctions and on the amount of unmasking requests and the timing of the call and the expulsion of diplomats because Obama was looking for some scapegoat or patsies to blame Trump campaign that would eternize the Russian collusion story.
Ambassador Rice appears to have used this email to document a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting between President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates regarding Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election.
“President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book’.
A phone call that was expected to be placed with Flynn while in vacation in the Dominican Republic supposedly was incidental but everyone in the ring new that if it is the Russian ambassador talking with a vacation resort in that country who was in the other side of the line. In this way everyone’s privacy can be circumvented in the name of “National Security”.
The “overkill” of 37 unmaskings requests after elections during transition time waiting for that call, indicates collusion, planning and entrapment. On top of that there was a planned leak that WaPo claimed they heard the conversation insinuating there is a “sanctions issue”. Only biased journalists would claim the wiretapping was in good faith or that is wasn’t part of a setup to leverage a fake Logan act threat.
This is the reason why Rice was made to prepare the famous exoneration claim “By the Book” letter. She had to protect herself and Obama insinuating that they did everything by the book by alleging Obama said these words. Actually this is a smoking gun.
The declassification and Durham investigation might shed light if it was intentional, malicious and who was involved in the planning and execution.
Brennan admitted under oath in Congress that Putin didn’t prefer Trump while he was promoting the oposite on the media. So did Clapper when testifying under oath that ther was no evidence Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
Crowdsrtike CEO testified he had no evidence Podesta emails where hacked by Russians. Crowdstrike was a contractor both of the FBI and the DNC at the same time, and if Comey doesn’t take their word for it he should refund the contracting fees after hiring them or at least not hide this fact.
Related Sources and Links

NY Post Article on Obamagate
New York Post
Susan Rice Letter
The Unmasking by Obama’s Administration of Flynn in Transition Time
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